I did get a few pictures of the players signin' autographs, but my phone is wont let me upload them on to my computer.
So I got to PNC Park around 2:50, bought my ticket, got some food to eat, and around 4 I went to get in line. At 4:30 when the gates opened I ran over to the Section 140 gate, and I saw the Pirates on the field for BP, I saw Jason Jaramillo pick up a ball, and I yelled "Jason, can you throw me that ball please", so then he threw the ball, it bounced off a garbage can in front of the gate, and a usher came over, and he handed me the ball.
Below is a picture of Pirates BP.
So around 5 or so, I ran over to the Left Field bleachers, and tried for another ball, I was over there around 10 minutes or so, and John Grabow picked up a ball and threw it right to me.
Below a picture of John Grabow
And then the Tigers came out onto the field for BP, so I switched into my Tigers shirt I stayed in the Bleachers for around 10 minutes, but no Tigers players over there would throw me a ball, so I went back over to Section 140, at 5:30 when the gate to go into Section 140 opened, I ran down and stood in the first row. I caught a BP home run off the bat of an unknown Tigers player, I caught the ball on the fly it went right into my glove.
Before BP ended I got this picture.
Jim Leyland!
And the picture below is a picture of the view from my awesome seat
Section 140 Row A Seat 15.
And below are a few random pictures of the game.
Matt Capps signin' a someone's bobblehead
And another picture of Matt Capps
Andrew McCutchen (did I spell that right?)
A sign that a few girls held up in my section
The great Pierogie race
The attendence at the game, very good for the Pirates.
And a random picture of me at the game.
Above is the picture of the 3 baseballs and 2 ticket stubs from this game.
The Pirates won 9-3.
Zach Duke pitched a great game.
Adam LaRoche hit a homerun.
Freddy Sanchez hit a grandslam, and thats about it.
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