And 10 minutes before the gates opened, I took the picture below.
It was a beautiful day to be a the game.
I got my first ball right as I walked into the bleachers, I found it under the first row, I was happy to be on the board early. After that I didn't get a ball for a while, I didn't want to leave with only 1 ball! There were many balls hit into the stands, I was just havin' a bad day I guess.
Below: The LF bleachers at 5:20.
My second ball came towards the end of BP, I was standin' in the first row of section 143, when an unknown Brewer hit blasted one out, I lost it in the sun, and didn't see it til the last second, the ball landed in the second row and I picked it up.
Below: Brewers BP
After BP, I got some pizza from Diamond club, like always and then I met up with 2 friends, one of them I haven't seen in a while, so I stayed with them for the game, we walked around the stadium and watched a little bit of the game, up in section 303. I was never at my seat for this game, even though I had a ticket for section 139. I stayed at the game until the 8th. When I got home I took the 2 pictures you see below.
Below: My 2 balls from today.
Below: My ticket, 2 balls, and Pirates first pitch book from this game.
2 balls at this game.
11 balls at 4 games this season.
2.75 balls per game (BPG)
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