Thursday, August 12, 2010

Johnny Cueto, You're The Man.

Reds vs Cardinals fight.

Around 3:25 in the video, you see Cueto, my new favorite Reds player, start his fierce kicks. Now, I know some baseball fans don't like that stuff, but to be honest, I loved it!

Johnny Cueto, AKA The Red Ninja!

Johnny Cueto Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. Nigger should be suspended, at a minimum, for the rest of the season and be charged with assault with a weapon and face jail time, as any other citizen would. But he's a professional athlete, so he is not held to the same standards as everyone else.

  2. You know what, I couldn't agree more when you said that he is not held on the same standards, like if me or you would do something like that, we would be in jail.
